Mystic Jelly
Whether you are new to surfing or have been doing it since birth, this is the board for you! Pure fun and ridiculous amounts of speed packed into a stubby little critter. The full outline, low rocker with a bit of kick in the tail, deep single-to-double concave with V off tail plus a medium rail all equal SPEEEEEEDDDD! If you come from a skateboard background this board will feel very natural when ridden 8-14 inches shorter than your normal shortboard. (Seriously, we’re all 5'11ft - 6’3"ft tall and ride them at 4’11" and they are amazing… even in overhead surf.) There's always a smile on your face if you’re on a mystic!
Fins: Twin or Quad
1.Square: Very fast and very loose
2.Diamond: Faster than moon with more control than square
3.Moon: More hold and drive
Concave: Single to double with v
Rocker: Low with little kick in tail
Rails: Medium
Waves: 1-4
Level: Tailored to Beginners at longer lengths, intermediate and pro in very short lengths